Thursday, October 23, 2008

TI report

I sent my TI report to John but will post it here, too.

I traveled last weekend and was not able to fulfill all of my sitting commitments. I did sit both morning and night, but not the full amount of time. Being in the TI gave me the motivation to look for time for zazen, when it seems like there would be no time when you are a guest in someone's home with dogs,cats, extra people, and not much personal privacy. Well guess what, there is time. Maybe not an hour. But 20 minutes? Yes. Morning and night.

Interesting that back at home, I'm having a hard time getting the hour in the morning and tend to flip the deal - 30 min in morning and an hour at night. No small thing maybe but I think it reflects some rebellion on my part - trying to eck out some wriggle room in my commitment.

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